
from by Wooden Arms

Wooden Arms - EP cover art
  • Immediate download of Hollow in the high-quality format of your choice (MP3, FLAC, and more), plus unlimited mobile access using the free Bandcamp listening app.

     £1 GBP  or more


  • Buy the Full Digital Album

  • Once again we've decided to hand-make each individual copy of the EP like we did with the last single. This time however we're using a multitude of different stamps and inks meaning that each CD case will come out entirely different.

    The stamps are made from pieces of beech-wood that are laser cut to the desired image. They are then layered onto the card wallet and compacted in a Victorian press.

    The results are entirely unique each time and they will be made by the band themselves.

    Only 150 units to be made.

    *More pictures of the hand-made copies will be up online soon*

    Includes immediate download of 6-track album in the high-quality format of your choice (MP3, FLAC, and more), plus unlimited mobile access using the free Bandcamp listening app.
    ships out within 5 days
    edition of 150 

     £4 GBP or more



Did my voice sound hollow?
When I spoke to you.
You said I would swallow
My words
A week from now

And if you gave me but one chance
Because I have
Half a mind to say
But not a mouth with which to do it

Give me credence
Pay me pardon
Yet heed nothing at all

Father Father I
Do not believe
You see I've said these words
And I will not deceive

So bury my heart
At wounded knee
Because half a wound for you
Is half a wound for me

And it's not
All but it's certainly
Part of me
And you've left a scar
Where you used to be

Did my voice sound hollow?
When I spoke to you.


from Wooden Arms - EP, released 12 July 2013


tags: alternative hollow classical folk indie lo-fi wurlitzer Norwich


all rights reserved


feeds for this album, this artist


Wooden Arms is a Norwich-based 7 piece alternative, classical, indie band.

With 5-part vocal harmonies and a distinctive yet delicate blend of classical instrumentation meets modern melody, their new double A side Tide/December was released on the 13th of February 2014.

Wooden Arms will be touring the UK and Europe in the following months to support this release.
... more


  • Feb 23
    The Blind Tiger Club
    Brighton, UK
  • Feb 24
    The Bedford
    London, UK
  • Mar 11
    The Malt Cross
    Nottingham, UK
  • Mar 12
    Wharf Chambers
    Leeds, UK
  • Mar 14
    The Islington
    London, UK
  • Mar 15
    Norwich Arts Centre Cafe Bar
    Norwich, UK
  • Mar 15
    The Birdcage
    Norwich, UK

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